December Goals

December Goals

December Goals

If October was the month of shooting, November was the month of editing like crazy so I could go on two trips and not bring work. Stephen and I got to go to Disney World, which we’ve been planning for over a year, and it was wonderful. Making memories with my best friend is one of my favorite things. I still had a couple sessions, but they came as a welcome break from all the editing. I’ll post something more in depth about the whole year soon, but that’s a good recap for now.


  • Keep up with editing and blogging – I’m so happy to say that during the craziness of editing about a million sessions, I stayed on top of everything, including blogging! I don’t think I’ve ever done that through an October/November before, and I’m really excited about it.


  • Bridal Portraits and Wedding for my Future sister-in-law! – Yep, you read that right. Stephen’s brother, Michael, is getting MARRIED this month and we could not be more thrilled for him and his fiancé, Erin. It’s been such a joy to watch their relationship grow, and I’m so thankful I get to be such a big part of their big day!
  • Keep editing – I don’t know if this will ever not be on my to-do list. I’ve got an engagement session and an adoption session on my slate right now, and I’m shooting more this weekend. My new goal? Have it all done by Christmas!
  • Submit to blogs – I’ve got two weddings and an engagement session I want to submit, and I WILL do it by the end of the year.
  • Write a Re-Cap Post – To be honest, this is more for my own benefit than anyone else’s, but I still like sharing. It’s so helpful to look at the big picture of a year and set long term goals for the next few. I’m hoping to do some major reflecting this month!

Here are a couple of pictures from our trip. I’ll probably do a blog post with more later, but I had to post a few here too =)

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