Falls Lake Family Photographer | Smith Family

Falls Lake Family Photographer

Falls Lake Family Photographer

This family is very special to me. Stephen and I have known Ross and Sarah for almost 2 1/2 years now. I remember them tell our small group that they were expecting. I remember when they said they were having a girl and when they told us her name would be Carolina Autumn. I got to do maternity pictures for them last October, and I remember getting a text in December that Sarah was in labor. Then we got to meet little Autumn, and she stole all of our hearts. She’s almost one now, and Sarah had the idea of doing a photo session a year after the maternity session. So almost a year to the day we went back out to Falls Lake. I love this precious family and their sweet little girl. Happy almost 1st birthday, Autumn!

To view the full shoot and order prints, click here.

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