November Goals

November Goals

November Goals

October was incredibly busy and incredibly wonderful. It was so much fun to put all the new things I’ve been learning into practice, and let me tell you, it’s doesn’t hurt AT ALL that I got some new equipment. New lenses are so much fun! I’ve got a LOT of editing to do, and a few good reason to get it done FAST. Stephen and I have a DISNEY WORLD vacation coming up on FRIDAY! I can’t believe it’s here. We’ve been planning this trip for over a year, and we’re finally getting to go. That means that for the next 3 days I have to be an editing master. Not only that, we have a surprise trip to Cincinnati to visit my family for Thanksgiving, and I don’t want to have to work at all on that trip either. Two very good incentives to be very productive. I can’t wait!


  • Shoot mini session and October weddings – The easy part is over. Now to finish editing 2 weddings, 5 senior sessions, and 8 family sessions. Huzzah!


  • Edit, edit, edit – Like I said, a TON of editing to do, and two good reasons to be very productive so I can take some vacation time this month.
  • Design Bridal Guide – In the busy of shooting and editing I didn’t get a chance to work on this much in October, and, let’s be honest, I probably won’t in November either, but I’m going to try, and I hope to have it done by the end of the year.
  • Blog Submissions – I’m trying to make this a regular part of my workflow, starting wit the two weddings I shot in October. I WILL have them submitted by the end of this month, because I will have them delivered by the end of this month.

I plan to take lots of pictures on my personal adventures this month, so stay tuned!

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