Chapel Hill Family Photography | Dentel Family

Chapel Hill Family Photography

Chapel Hill Family Photography

I knew Lindsay before she even met Nick. We used to go to church together, and she stayed with my siblings and me once when my parents went out of the country once. She even wrote me a sweet note when I broke my personal record for a 5k at cross country senior night in high school. I still have it somewhere! Anyway, she met Nick, got married, and then Eden came! I remember her as a baby, but I was in college, things got crazy, and then I got married and moved to Wake Forest. It’s been WAY to long since I’ve seen them, and it was so nice to catch up and to meet baby Salem! She and her sisters are so, so sweet, and I had such a good time! Lindsay and Nick, you have a beautiful family!

To view the full shoot and order prints, click here.

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