Rainer Family – Wake Forest Family Photos

Wake forest family photosWake Forest Family Photos

It seems like blogging is always the first thing to go when things get busy. I’ve still got a few family shoots from last fall’s mini-sessions to post, so here it goes! My goal is to catch up on all this blogging before wedding season starts again.

Remember the Rainers? I did family photos for them in the fall of 2013 back when Joshua was just a tiny little thing. Check ’em out here! I always love working with them, and I’m so glad I got to again last fall! Nathaniel and Joshua are some of the cutest little boys I’ve ever seen, and they’re so good at smiling for the camera.

To view the full shoot and order prints, click here.

Wake forest family photosBlog 4Blog 3Blog 5Blog 6Blog 8Blog 7Wake Forest Family Photos

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