Angier Newborn Photos | Breedlove Family

Angier Newborn Photos

Angier Newborn Photos

Everyone, meet Emma! Is she not the cutest baby girl?? She is going to be SO spoiled by her big brothers (once they get over not being the babies anymore). She was born at the beginning of July, and I got to go down to Beaufort to meet her a few weeks ago. She’s so perfect! And the Breedlove family is now complete 🥰

Liz was one of my roommates in college, so we were friends during our dating years. I remember so many late-night conversations about Chris (and Stephen for that matter). It’s so much fun to think about how far we’ve come! Our whole family went down to Beaufort to visit the Breedloves, and it was a wild couple days with 6 kids between our two families. We went to the beach and the aquarium, and got ice cream in downtown Beaufort. Emma and Andrew, the two babies, were champs since they were just along for the ride.

Don’t you just love Emma’s nursery? I know Liz is having fun with all the girly decorations and clothes and bows after having two boys. Her name is so sweet too. She is named after Chris’ grandmother, who passed away unexpectedly recently. What a wonderful tribute to her! Congratulations again, friends. I can’t wait to watch her grow up!

Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos
Angier Newborn Photos

Angier Newborn Photos

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