Lake Charles Family Photographer
What a week! We got to go to Michigan at the end of July with my family, and it was exhausting and wonderful. If you’ve even been on a “vacation” with an 8-month old, you know it’s not much of a vacation. I told Stephen we had to do everything we normally do at home for Benjamin and we didn’t have hardly any of our usual stuff. But he really did a great job (aside from wanting to crawl on the airplane), and it was wonderful to see family.
Some of my mom’s family who happened to be in Michigan at the same time as us stopped by for a little family reunion. None of them had met Benjamin before, and it was sweet to get to introduce him to some of my aunts and uncles, cousins, and their kids. He thought Bannon and Casher (the little boys) were the coolest and they were so nice sharing their toys with him.
It was also really wonderful just getting to be outside most days. It’s so hot in Louisiana and there are so many more bugs that sitting outside all day in the summer just isn’t an option. Benjamin loved playing in the dirt, pulling up grass, tasting leaves, you name it. We loved that part of the week!
One of the last days we were there we took a little outing to town to play putt-putt, and we stopped by a lake. The water in the river by our cabin is way too cold for Benjamin, but he didn’t hate the lake! Maybe I’ll get him to like water after all 😉 One of the funniest things to me about that trip was that it was only 30 minutes to the putt-putt place from the cabin. I used to think the cabin was in the middle of nowhere (and it really is), but there’s a movie theater and mini golf and pretty good restaurants all about 30 minutes away. Where we live now, most of those things are at least an hour!
It really was a great trip, and I’m so looking forward to next time when Benjamin is a little older and can kayak with us!