Lake Charles Family Photographer
This past month has been an adventure, that’s for sure! We not only moved, we went on vacation THE NEXT DAY with a 7-month-old. And we still don’t have Internet. I’m currently sitting in a McDonald’s parking lot with Benjamin asleep in the backseat just to have wifi to upload this post! It’s been nuts!
Anyway. We went on vacation with my family for a week in Michigan. My parents have a cabin on a river in the lower peninsula. We entertained the idea of driving for about 2 minutes before we realized an 18-hour drive with a 7-month-old was not going to fly. People say to drive overnight, but that doesn’t work very well when both adults are useless after 10pm. So we flew. And honestly, it went about as well as it could have. This is the second time Benjamin has flown, but the first time since he learned to crawl, and that changed EVERYTHING. We had a 3 hour drive on either end of a 2 hour flight, and Benjamin just did not want to be contained for that long. But we made it, and we had a great time! Benjamin got to meet some great aunts and uncles and some of my cousins. The river is really cold, so we didn’t play there, but he got to play in a nearby lake. Jury is still out on what he thought about it. I’ll write more about the trip in a separate post!
The last few weeks since we got home have been a little tough. I think Benjamin is going through a growth spurt, teething, realizing I can leave, and in the process of dropping a nap. He hasn’t been sleeping through the night during this stretch, and I can’t wait until we’re on the other side of it. But he’s also learning and growing more than ever, and it’s so much fun to watch. I can’t wait for him to say his first word!
- Benjamin has gotten REALLY good at crawling. He’s happiest when he’s roaming the floor and checking out everything in sight.
- He started pulling up on things while we were on vacation and he’s getting good at that too! Most of the time when I go get him from his crib he’s standing up waiting for me.
- He’s babbling more and more and it sounds like English apart from not being actual words. I can’t wait for him to say mommy and daddy.
- He still LOVES Sadie, and she is so patient with him. He crawls into her bed (whether she’s there or not) whenever he can.
- When Stephen comes in the room he kicks his legs in excitement. If he wants daddy to pick him up he crawls over to his legs and starts climbing up. It’s ADORABLE.
- He made the connection this week that food from his high chair eases that pain in his belly too, and since then he’s been much more enthusiastic about solid foods. He likes sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and venison.