Lake Charles Family Photographer
The month from mid-May to mid-June was absolutely nuts, but it was also wonderful. We had four different groups of visitors in that month AND Stephen went to camp with the youth. Whew! I blame that for the fact that this post is 3 weeks late. Benjamin’s almost 7 months now, and so much has changed since June 17th, but I’ll do my best to keep them separate.
Uncle Evan was our first visitor. He drove down from Lubbock for a long weekend and we played lots of games and had lots of fun with baby Benjamin! Then came Aunt Lauren, Uncle Matthew, and cousin Katelyn. Katelyn and Benjamin interacted way more than they did even a couple months ago in NC. It was so much fun to watch Benjamin watch her. If he was down for a nap she would walk around asking where Ben Ben was. We went to the splash pad in DeRidder and played on the slide and went to swing at the church playground. It was a blast! Then came Aunt Meghan. Not the same kind of aunt, but one of my best friends. She came to visit while Stephen was at youth camp and it was wonderful to have the company! We packed it in the days she was here…we went hiking at Sam Houston Jones one day and to the zoo in Alexandria another day! After she left Grandma and Grandpa Estes and Uncle Philip came to visit. We loved getting to see them again and that Philip got to stay for 2 whole weeks! I told you it was a lot 😉
- This month, Benjamin learned a LOT of things, though he STILL hasn’t gotten those pesky teeth!
- He can sit up on his own as long as he wants to now, and even learned how to get to a sitting position by himself. It still surprises me when I look at his monitor to check on him and he’s sitting in his crib!
- He also learned out to scoot/crawl to get to something he wants. He’s not very good at it yet, but he was so interested in that 6-month sign that when I put it a few feet in front of him, he was able to get to it. Ready or not, here we go!!
- He continues to explore his voice and can make some pretty loud sounds. I can’t wait for him to start saying words!
- He LOVES being tossed in the air, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his first word is actually “fly.” All we have to do is say the word and he smiles.
- At his 6-month appointment he was 28″ and 17lbs 12oz. That means he’s a pretty average weight for his age but is in the 95th percentile for height. Just like his daddy!
- It’s awesome to see his personality come out more and more. Some of the traits we’ve noticed so far are: easy-going, determined, and curious.