DeRidder Family Photography
Benjamin turned 4 months old last week! This month he started rolling from back to belly, and gets very upset when he does it. He likes to fall asleep on his side now, and often when I go to get him in the morning his feet are the opposite direction from the way I laid him down. He’s a mover for sure! He’s doing tummy time for longer stretches and hasn’t yet figured out how to roll out of it. He LOVES to laugh, and if you catch him in the right mood just about anything will make him giggle. He went through a HUGE growth spurt just before turning four months and grew out of all his 3 month clothes. He’s sleeping from 8pm-7am (with a 10pm feeding) consistently, though he needed one more night feed to get him through that growth spurt. I swear he gained almost 3 pounds in a couple weeks! He’s been drooling a TON this month, and started majorly teething just a couple days ago. Poor buddy! Cutting teeth is no joke. This month Nana came to visit, and we’re so looking forward to lots of visitors in May and June! You’ll have to wait for next months update to hear about Aunt Delaney’s visit and see his Easter outfit.
- He weighs almost 16lbs! I haven’t measured him recently but we’ll find out at his appointment tomorrow how long he is.
- He loves sitting facing out. He wants to be a part of everything and has a hard time eating and sleeping if too many things are going on around him.
- He loves to sleep with his hands underneath his head, and it’s ADORABLE.
- His favorite toys right now are Ollie the Octopus and his teething fox. He’s really starting to get the hang of putting the fox in his mouth to chew on it.
- He’s starting to enjoy more physical play and loves bouncing on our knees and when daddy helps him fly.