DeRidder Portrait Photographer
Benjamin is three months old! It’s such a joy to be his mommy and watch him grow. He learned and did a lot of new things this month!!
We traveled to NC for a week for Stephen’s class. Not only did he fly for the first time, he got to meet so many family and friends for the first time! He did great on the plane despite a 5 hour delay overnight on the way there, and he met all his great grandparents, two more aunts and uncles, and his cousin Katelyn! It was wonderful to introduce him to so many people. Next time we’ll take him to Chapel Hill where mommy and daddy met! Here’s a little bit about him and what he’s learning right now:
- He’s making all sorts of new sounds and started to laugh! I love it when he makes sounds back and forth with us.
- He is definitely smiley and is social smiling more and more. His daddy makes him smile more than anyone else!
- He discovered his hands and loves to touch them and chew on his fists.
- He discovered his tongue and loves to stick it out and lick his lips.
- He loves sitting up and seeing everything going on, and started trying to sit up from a reclined down position. He’s got some work to do on those ab muscles before he can really do it, though.
- He still loves to kick his legs and has realized if he pulls them up and throws them to the side he can roll halfway over.
- He doesn’t love to nap…I think he just wants to be a part of whatever is going on!
- He’s wearing 3 month clothes in most brands, but 3-6 month Gerber stuff. He’s tall like his daddy and lots of his pants and long sleeve shirts get too short before they get too narrow. He’ll be in the next size before too long!