DeRidder Family Photographer
Benjamin is 2 months old!! He loves kicking his feet (not matter what’s in the way), sleeping on mommy’s chest, and smiling at daddy’s silliness. He’s growing like a champ, though he still prefers a bottle over nursing, and his cheeks are the most kissable in the whole world. This month he slept 7.5 hours at night for the first time! It was wonderful. We’re still working on getting him to do that every night, but we’re loving life with our little man! We’re looking forward to Benjamin’s first flight in a couple weeks and his first visit to North Carolina. There will be plenty of pictures in his 3-month update!
One of the things we’ve particularly enjoyed this winter is watching Carolina basketball together as a family. Of course we don’t let Benjamin actually look at the TV, but it’s a little piece of home that fills so familiar when most other parts of our lives are new right now. The last few photos are from a Saturday morning before a game!
We’ve started doing tummy time regularly (Benjamin’s not sure he likes it), and the jury is still out on baths as well. My hunch is that as soon as he realizes he can splash by kicking his legs in the water that he’ll love it!