DeRidder Portrait Photographer
Now that Benjamin has been born, maybe I should post some of our maternity photos! Y’all, I’m so behind. But as I soak up the newborn snuggles at 2am, I don’t really care that much. =)
I took these photos in our front yard with a tripod and a remote 11 days before little man decided it was time to make his appearance. I was 37.5 weeks when we did these. I had the best intentions to do them earlier, but with the move and the massive to-do list that came with it, it just didn’t happen. The second week of December it was on my mind, and I looked at the forecast only to see rain the next day. And the next day. And the next and the next. So I asked Stephen to make sure he was home from work before it got dark and we spent 15 minutes taking some pictures. I’m so glad we did! We didn’t spend a ton of time on it, but I’m so glad I have some really nice photos of Benjamin on the inside to go with all the photos I’ve taken of him on the outside. I’ll be sharing a lot of those in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!