Chapel Hill Senior Photos | Benjamin

Chapel Hill Senior Photos

Chapel Hill Senior Photos

I love this family! I know I say that a lot, but I really do. Stephen’s known them a lot longer than I have, but they’ve loved on me just as much since we got married. All of the Senior kids have been in Stephen’s drama camps over the years or taken his speech or civics class. We don’t get over to Chapel Hill as much as we’d like to see them, but we always love when we do. I got to do a just for fun shoot with two of Benjamin’s sisters, Grace and Anna, a while back, and Grace and I already have plans in the works for her senior photos in the spring.

Benjamin actually already graduated, but never had photos done. He’s now at UNC, so we decided to use his “high school senior” shoot to let people know what’s he up to now! I hope UNC continues to go well, and I can tell you from experience that it’ll be over before you know it, so savor every minute! =)

To view the full shoot and order prints, click here!

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