Chapel Hill Family Photos | Stuart Family

Chapel Hill Family Photos

Chapel Hill Family Photos

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. When you’re taking pictures of littles, that’s all the time. It can be chaos (all of family sessions with kids have been this year), but I love it! Sure it takes a little while to get a good picture of everyone looking at the camera and not looking upset, but the time in between those shots is my favorite. There’s something so special about documenting a family right where they are, capturing all the personality and all the sweet interactions between mommy and baby, or daddy and son. We had a particularly wiggly toddler this time around, but I think that actually made the photos better. We got the good posed ones, and we were able to spend time throwing leaves and riding on dad’s shoulders. I love those unscripted moments! Really though, these kids were champs doing pictures for a whole hour and not getting upset once. Their parents were pretty great too! 😉 I always marvel at what a privilege it is to meet so many wonderful people through this job. I love it! I hope you enjoy this sweet family as much as I did. =)

To view the full shoot and order prints, click here.

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