April Goals

April Goals

April Goals

Do you ever feel like time just flies by? You look at your calendar at the beginning the month at all that’s coming up, and then you blink and it’s over. That was March. Where did the time go?? I can’t believe it’s already April! I didn’t get as much checked off last month as I would have liked, but I did get a LOT of planning done that is setting April up to be an AWESOME month! I’ve got mini-sessions and a couple weddings coming up and I’m super excited to get back into the shooting groove after a slow off season. Hurray for spring!


  • Get Headshots Done – These are finally coming up on April 6th and I am SO excited! I keep thinking about what I’m going to wear. And I get to work with one of my best friends, Carolyn of Carolyn Marie Photography, which is always a blast.
  • Mini-Sessions – Spring mini-sessions are my favorite and I can’t wait to celebrate with so many wonderful UNC seniors. UNC in the spring is just absolutely beautiful. I’ve got two spots left, so check out the blog post in you’re interested! I’m also doing some in Raleigh on the 24th, so let me know if you’re interested!
  • Blog Regularly –  I just finished developing a schedule for the blog through August. AUGUST! I can’t wait to finally post some fall family sessions and weddings I second shot from last year. There will also be more personal posts of our travels and educational posts for brides and other photographers. I’m really excited for all the new content coming your way! And it will be so good to finally get in the habit of doing this.
  • Get Published – Prepping weddings and portrait sessions to be published could be a full-time job in and of itself, but I really want to devote more time to this in the next few months. I know it will be worth it!


  • Get Lenses Calibrated – So glad to have this done before my spring mini-sessions and weddings coming up! It really does make a world of difference.
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