March Goals

March Goals

March Goals


  • Publish Fall Blog Posts – More of and more of these have been published now, but I’ve still got a few to go.
  • Get Headshots Done – This one is still on my plate because the weather has been abysmal and my go-to photographer has been out of the country for the last 5 weeks. Look for these in the next couple months!
  • Blog Last Two Weddings – When I second-shoot and don’t have any deadlines for editing the photos to return to clients, sometimes it just doesn’t happen. I have a two weddings I second-shot in June and October that I still haven’t looked at beyond grabbing a few portfolio shots, and if I don’t get them done before busy season starts in April it might be another year before I get those blog posts happen.
  • Get Published – I’ve been super busy the last few weeks prepping weddings and engagement shoots to submit for publication and I’m thrilled that I’ve already had several sites interested! I can’t wait to share more on this front, but I want to wait until things are set in stone.
  • Get Lenses Calibrated – This is probably the least glamorous of my “goals” this month, but if I don’t put it on here it won’t happen, and it needs to. It’s probably a good idea to get all my equipment calibrated every off-season, but for know I have two lenses that I know need it.


  • Rebrand – There is always more to do in this category as I bring all of my materials and various websites under the rebrand, but the biggest things are done! The website is live and functional, my wedding wire site has been updated, and things are falling into place.
  • Update Portfolios – I need to do a better job of doing this as I go, but at least all my 2014 work is finally on display!
  • Develop a Clear Mission Statement – You can read this on my about page! Again, it will take some time to really bring everything I do under this mission statement, but at least I have a clear idea of where I’m going with this.
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