Chapel Hill Friends are Graduating! | Chapel Hill Senior Photos

Chapel Hill Senior Photos

Chapel Hill Senior Photos

I can’t believe these lovely ladies are graduating high school!! I met Shea back when she was in 3rd grade and her sister Kacie and I were in 8th grade. Kacie and I were inseparable that year and throughout high school, so I’ve gotten to know Shea a little bit over the years. Shea is the same age as my little sister, so needless to say it makes me feel old that they’re graduating high school this year!

I got to shoot with Shea and few of her best friends, Natalie, Kenya and Kyane, at the Botanical Gardens in Chapel Hill last weekend. We were all afraid the thunderstorms were going to postpone our shoot, but thankfully they held off until later in the evening. These girls are absolutely gorgeous, and I so enjoyed exploring the gardens with them!! I couldn’t be more excited for them as they head off to UNC, UNC-G, and UNC-W in the fall. Congratulations!!

To view the full shoot and order prints, click here.

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Chapel Hill Senior Photos

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