May Goals

may goals

It’s time for May goals! I am so encouraged looking back on April and seeing all the things that got done! I’m realizing it’s a good stake in the ground for days where I wonder if I can really do this. The reality is, I am doing this! I am so excited to keeping posting monthly goals and keep checking things off. Huzzah!

To do:

  • Order New Sample Albums – I haven’t ordered sample albums since I switched album companies, so I need to do that! I’m hoping to order one this month and a few more in the next off season.
  • Website Face-Lift – There are a few things I want to improve on when it comes to my website. I added an Instagram feed to my blog sidebar, but that’s just the beginning! In May I want to update some information and photos and tweak my home page.
  • Create Mobile Site – This is somewhat related to the last one, but I’d really like to tweak my website so that it looks good on mobile devices! That’s increasingly the way people are going to view it, and the easier it is for them to navigate it the better!
  • Develop a social media strategy – This was on my list for last month and I’ve begun to make progress. I’m trying out HootSuite right now, which allows me to schedule tweets and Facebook posts, but I’m not sure if it’s worth the money once my free trial is over. We’ll see!! Right now I have Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr, Google plus, yelp and like 18 other random social media platforms to my name. My postings are all over the place and sporadic at best on some of these platforms. I’d like to create a streamlined strategy for these sites and get rid of the ones I’m not actively using.
  • Get published on a photo blog – this one might be a goal for a while seeing as I haven’t been doing this as long as so many other people out there, but I’m confident if I keep in the back of my mind I could accomplish this goal in the next year. Here we go!


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